교육 관련 영어

주요 단어 살펴보기

  • Formal education : 정규교육
  • Public school : 공립학교 
  • Private school : 사립학교 
  • Nursery school, pre-kinder gareten : 유아원, 어린이집 
  • Kindergarten : 유치원 
  • Primary education : 초등교육 
  • Secondary education : 중등교육 
  • Tertiary education : 고등교육 (털씨에뤼 ) 
  • Graduate school : 대학원 
  • Diploma : 졸업장, 학위 증서 
  • Extracurricular activity : 과외활동 
  • Enrollment rate: 등롤률 
  • Peer pressure: 또래압력 ( what created the culture of peer pressure and bullying is none other than character assassination and disparagement ) ** character assassination : 인신공격 / disparagement: 경멸 
  • Rote memorization : 기계적 암기 
  • Vocational education : 직업교육 
  • Face-to-face education : 면대면 교육
  • Non face-to-face education : 비대면 교육 
  • Meritocracy : 실력,능력주의 
  • Elitism : 학벌지상주의 

It is disturbing enough for adults to make poor choices regarding their health, but children, prone to peer pressure, often are not sufficiently mature to comprehend the dangers inherent in steroid use 

Lag behind

뒤처져 있다 

Public education lags behind private education : 공교육이 사교육보다 뒤처져 있다 

The average GPA of American students lags far behind that of Korean students 


~보다 더 중요하다 

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