사회적 문제들을 영어로 말해보기

사회적 문제 영어

사회에 관련된 주요 단어

사회 신분 : Social status 

  • Many people want to get a better social status 
  • she has a high social status 

경제 계층 : Economic class

소득격차 : Income divide/ Income gap

저소득층/ 고소득층 : low income group / higher income 

  • The nation’s top conglomerate Samsung Group announced that it plans to nurture middle school students from low-income families 

사회 불평등 : social inequality 

  • if I became a billionaire,I would never be a person who is not interested in social inequality 

사회 불안 : social unrest 

  • the social unrest could cause a liquidity crisis ( liquidity crisis : 유동성 위기 ) 

저출산율 : low birth rate

  • South Korea in particular already has a very low birth rate 
  • a low birth rate has become a hot potato in Korean society ( a hot potato : 난제 / 어려운 문제 ) 

고령화 사회 : aging society

  • we are rapidly becoming an aging society ( rapidly : 빠르게 ) 

1인가구 : Single-person household 

실업률: Jobless rate, unemployment rate 

  • the unemployment rate has been projected to fall ( be projected to :~예상되는) 
  • the unemployment rate rose because of the shrinking economy ( rise-> rose: 높아지다 / The shrinking economy: 위축되는 경제 ) 

외국인 혐오증 : Xenophobia 

  • Racist discrimination and xenophobia are a reality in Korea society 

국가간 빈부 격차 : Gap between wealthy and poor nations


주요단어 살펴보기

The low birth rate


The low birth rate in Korea is quite serious 

Korea ranks number one in the world in the suicide rate of the elderly and its low birth rate 


Have a far-reaching fallout

여파가 크다 

Far-reaching 은 직역하면, 멀리까지 도달한 것 , 널리 퍼지는 이라는 뜻 입니다. 대체어로 extensive 가 많이 쓰이기도 합니다 🙂

Korea entered into an aging society in 1999 and ever since, the fallout has been far-reaching 한국은 1999년에 고령사회에 진입했고, 그 이후로 그 여파는 널리 퍼졌다 


One of the fallouts from an again society is the decline in the working population  고령화 사회의 여파중 하나는 노동 인구 감소이다 

A sense of relative deprivation

상대적 박탈감 

A sense of : 감 

Deprive A of B : A에게서 B를 빼앗다 


Poor treatment fueled their sense of relative deprivation 

** fuel : 부채질 하다 / 자극하다 

A sense of relative deprivation can be a driving force for revolution

** a driving force: 원동력 


In the process of comparison, the two groups may form a certain sense of relative deprivation or relative satisfaction 

** form : 형성하다 


Gender (sexual) inequality / discrimination


  1. Women’s rights movement : 여성인권운동 
  2. Male-dominated society : 남성 지배적 사회 
  3. Patriarchal system : 가부장 제도 ( her father is extremely patriarchal ) 
  4. Gender ratio imbalance : 성비 불균균형 ( The gender ratio imbalance in the workplace still lingers ) 
  5. Preference for sons : 남아 선호사상
  6. Misogyny : 여성혐오( 미싸져니)
  7. Misandry : 남성혐오( 미센드뤼)
  8. Women’s empowerment: 여성 역량 강화 
  9. Equal pay for equal work : 동일 노동 동일 임금 
  10. Sexual violence: 성폭행 
  11. Indecent assault/ sexual molestation : 성추행 
  12. Sexual harassment: 성희롱 ( Victims of sexual harassment have filed a collective lawsuit against the offender)  ** file a collective lawsuit: 집단소송을 제기하다 
  13. Unwed mother: 미혼모 
  14. Unwed father: 미혼부 
  15. Single parent family : 한 부모 가정

Root out

철폐하다/ 뿌리를 뽑다

  • We have to root out prejudice against women : 여성 차별을 철폐해야 한다 

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