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The book centers around the experience of August “Auggie” Pullman, a 10-year-old living in North Riverside Heights in [lower Manhattan]]. He has a genetic condition, Treacher Collins syndrome, which has left his face disfigured and required countless surgeries and special care. Due to his condition, August has been homeschooled by his mother for some years; however, wanting him to experience a larger world, his parents enrolled him into Beecher Prep, a private school, for the start of fifth grade. Auggie has an older sister, Olivia “Via” Pullman, who is entering her first year of high school.

Before the start of the school year, Auggie’s mother takes him to meet the principal, Mr. Tushman, who has invited three other students — Jack Will, Charlotte, and Julian — to take him on a tour of the school. Auggie is treated unkindly by Julian, who acts “like an angel” in front of adults. On his first day of school, Auggie tries in vain to avoid drawing attention to himself, but is subtly bullied by Julian and his friends. Auggie is approached and befriended at lunch by a classmate named Summer, and is paired in most of his classes with Jack, whom he also considers a friend.

On Halloween, Auggie, dressed as Ghostface, overhears Jack, who was expecting Auggie to dress up as Boba Fett, joining in with Julian and his friends making fun of him behind his back. Devastated, Auggie stays home sick for several days and isolates himself from his family, frustrating Via, who begrudges Auggie for the priority he receives over her. Returning to school, Auggie ignores Jack and confides the incident to Summer. Jack eventually presses Summer, who hints at the cause. When Jack realizes how he behaved, he is ashamed, and recommits to his friendship with Auggie. This draws Julian’s ire, and the two have a fight. Jack reconciles with Auggie, but becomes ostracized from many of his more popular classmates, as Julian’s influence divides the students into factions over the conflict. Julian’s mother writes Tushman to voice her concerns over Auggie attending the school, citing that his appearance may be too much of a burden for the other students to handle.

Via confides to her mother that she does not want Auggie to attend her school play, as she has enjoyed the fresh start her new school has given her, free of the burden of being associated with Auggie and his condition. Auggie overhears and angrily sulks in his room, but instead of his mother coming to comfort him as he had hoped, Via comes in instead to tell him their dog Daisy is dying. She urges him to come out and say goodbye before she is taken to the vet and euthanized, which he does.

Meanwhile, Via’s best friend Miranda has started avoiding her, for reasons unknown to Via. Both audition for the lead in their school play, but Miranda ultimately gets the part, with Via as her understudy. On opening night, Miranda sees Via’s entire family in the audience and feigns illness so that Via can take her place for the evening. After the show, the two reconcile.

At the end of Auggie’s school year, the fifth grade class goes on a three-day trip to a nature reserve. Auggie is initially concerned about going, but is relieved to hear Julian will not be attending, as he considers the trip “dorky”.[5] On the last night, Auggie and Jack are walking alone in the woods, when they are bullied and attacked by a group of older students from another school. Julian’s friends happen by, and rush to the defense of their classmates, impressed by Auggie’s boldness in standing up to the bullies. Auggie then becomes accepted by his school.

At graduation, Auggie is awarded the ‘Henry Ward Beecher Medal’ for his exceptional strength and character throughout the school year, while Julian’s parents decide to send him to a different school the following year. Auggie’s mother proudly tells him that he is a ‘wonder’.

동아리 활동은 정규수업 / 대기자 분들만 신청이 가능하십니다.

모집기간 : 2024년 07월 01일~07월 31일
시작일정 : 2024년 8월5일
최대 15명 ( 현재 인원현황 8/15 )
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